Enrolled students have the option to change a course to “no credit” at the instructor’s discretion. Certain courses or sections of courses are not available to be taken for no credit. A no-credit course is charged normal tuition but is given no grade and does not affect your GPA. The course appears on your official academic record with a mark of “NC”. No-credit courses may not be used for major/minor requirements or the foreign language requirement. 

The most common method to register for no credit is to have the instructor sign a completed add/drop slip, indicating that they authorize you to register for the course for no credit, then submit the add/drop slip to the Office of the Registrar. Add/drop slips are available in the reception area in the Office of the Registrar or may be found on the Registrar’s web site. Once enrolled in a course for no credit, you cannot change the course to credit. 

For other opportunities for non-credit language courses, including options for those not currently enrolled at DU, visit the Center for World Languages and Cultures (https://liberalarts.du.edu/cwlc/learn-language) or email them at cwlc@du.edu.