Requirements for the minor in German include: 

  • A minimum of 24 quarter hours of approved courses beyond the elementary level (GERM 1003) 
  • Four of the 24 quarter hours must be from GERM 1416 

While not required, students who minor in German are encouraged to study abroad in Germany. Minors who choose to study abroad are strongly encouraged to enroll in a German course upon their return. 


GERM 1416: German Civilization, taught in English, ought to be taken as early as possible. This course serves as a foundation for further studies, providing a thorough overview of Germany's (intellectual) history from the late 18th century to today. 

Students who have completed the intermediate sequence (GERM 2001, 2002 and 2003) are advised to continue their studies with the following "bridge" courses before enrolling in upper-level seminars: 

  • GERM 2100: Conversation and Composition 
  • GERM 2350: German Film 

For in depth information on the requirements for German minors, visit the DU undergraduate bulletin.