Students are eligible to complete an honors thesis if the following conditions are met:
- Overall GPA of at least 3.3
- Major GPA of at least 3.7
- Successful completion of at least two 3000-level courses
Distinction in Russian may be obtained as part of the University of Denver Honors Program, but can also be achieved separately.
To take part in this exciting opportunity, follow the following steps:
- Select a topic in the fall of your senior year in consultation with Professor Dimova
- Enroll in RUSS 3998 (Honors Thesis, up to 4 qtr. hrs. each) in the winter and spring quarters of your senior year.
- Write an honors thesis of 25 to 30 pages in length. The thesis may be either an analytical work or a creative project accompanied by analysis of the creative process. Your thesis will be written in Russian.
- Defend your thesis in Russian.
Past thesis topics include an exploration of the sexuality of Zinaida Gippius' poetic works, an analysis of American-Russian relations under Obama, a theatrical adaptation of Bulgakov's novel Heart of a Dog, and a historical analysis of Russian rock music as a vehicle of political dissent.
Questions should be directed to the advisor for distinction in Russian: Polina Dimova (polina.dimova@du.edu)