A Lanugages, Literatures and Cultures major with a concentration in German cannot take more than two IS (1-4 credit hours per course) during his/her course of studies.
The GERM program only offers independent study to students who:
- have met in person with a GERM advisor to discuss their situation
- need eight or fewer credits to complete a major or minor
- cannot enroll in a GERM upper-level course due to significant scheduling conflicts, but need these credits in order to graduate on time with the major or minor.
All full-time faculty who regularly teach content classes are eligible to serve as the IS instructor.
An IS is never guaranteed. Final approval requires instructor’s consent.
The German program will track all IS offerings and faculty will attempt to rotate as best as possible, so that not all IS requests fall disproportionately to the same faculty member/s.
The IS faculty is required to create a complete syllabus that outlines course expectations, outcomes, policies, grading, and the structure of meetings.